Video 60
Bhagavatam - 3.20.1 ( Book 3, Chapter 20 verse 1 )
foreign the destroyer of the Demons Council and chanura the dear darling of the mother devaki and the guru of the world whom peace peace peace so we are back to reading of the bhagavat and book number three and this is the third book number one sub chapter is three and this chapter starts again 20. that is 1.3.20 we start and Page 2131 we are reading how the creation how the creation came and it was the question of the sonaka uh The Story Goes that narayana was in the heaven and the four Sages great Sages whose name is they went to see the Lord they are always ever free Soul spiritually illumin soul but these two Gods has always happened right they want to see the Lord naturally it is dead their Duty not to disturb the Lord or all and their very ordinary boys looks naked boys excellent who knows and he said no you cannot meet the Lord now you know please please then then ultimately they say just cursed these two doorman Great Men God tensions to the uh darshan of the Lord and then they cast and said okay they will be born in the world and you have to go down to the Earth you are in the Heavenly Abode you will have to go down there because you're missing and then hearing this prideful word they ran to Lord narayana and say do four boys have come and they're saying like this what to do and the Lord quickly narayana came back and just with great reverence welcomed them to come and this and that honored them to see it in this when this was done then the two guards understood therefore mistake and they thought that oh my God what we did so telling the Lord please please forgive us because we didn't understand that they are so in great rishis and they wanted to see and you are so dear to you but anyhow please forgive I cannot do that you go to them for their forgiveness and his dishes were cooled down after some time but he said we cannot do anything let us come out of the mouth it will happen so you have extra wound ask anything like give me extra money okay if I am to go to be born as a human or in that in the lower plane so we'll be like them that I will make it that I don't forget the Lord for any Split Second so long I don't want to have a separation from God for a long time so the Lord was granted that and then they went to the Earthly plane and lower planes of pathology planes of existence and then and they became how to remove how to remember God all the time they took it in the sense of thinking as God as enemy if you love someone you may remember you may forget no but if your head is declared by somebody and you know that someone is always around you to kill you naturally you think of him more spiritual practice thinking God as my enemy so God is my enemy God May kill me he is just born I can how can I kill him day and night thinking of God as the enemy that is the servant and these two hidden naksha they are born as hiran naksha and hirana koshibu the two names his eyes are like gold and hirana said do two of them are born in this way and now they become a terror it all Drew Barry all the gods and goddesses from their Heavenly abode and ran them in another plane and then dominated and went into the Earth and they started disturbing them so this was the way going on then the first incarnation of God came is called the God so that God the she born and he has to fight with this eyes like gold so anyhow so that fight went and then the creation uh then the whole world went into destruction and then creation started again so this question then was asked by sunaka sonaka is responding um putting the question to suta the narrator that question now creation as expression of brahma's mood how the creation has come how the creation is withdrawn that part now is being spoken here this is the one dot 3.20 bars and verse number one now so question on further propagation of the creatures sonaka said o suta what were the means adopted by Manu to bring out into manifestation all these jivas who had become latent in the ishwara during mahaprullah the Great dissolution happened and whole creation is withdrawn they this idea is there everything goes to the seed form so that's why sometimes it is allegorically said that Noah's Ark collecting all the seeds so that idea is here that total dissolution happens now will be all consumed in the body of ishwara where all of us will remain in a latent form as we remain in our sleep time in our deep sleep time how do we remain we don't we are not conscious of the body God's body goes our Dream body goes we remain in a very subtle level so in that form the whole creation has been withdrawn in the body of the Lord attainment and had deep personal Devotion to see krsna as a friend he was so devoted to Krishna that he abandoned his brother did rastro and his sons because they behaved in a manner insulting to Krishna so bidura was to brother but he left connection with them abandoned this brother because Krishna he he deter us to his criticizing Krishna so insulting Krishna behaving wrongly with Krishna ISO and not much inferior to his father and in greatness he had surrendered himself wholeheartedly to the Supreme Being and was ever devoted to the service of the Lord devotees and to pilgrimages to holy places we would like to know what further question this great devotee put to the sage Metro residing in foreign just as the all purifying Ganga proceeds from the feet of the Lord so also at the meeting between these two great devotees there must have been a continued flow of sin destroying and purifying conversation about the Lord tell us what they talked about those acts and excellences of the Lord which always form the subject of talk and sung among devotees may you farewell we treat who we who with a bit of devotion could ever feel fascinated with hearing about the Lord's activities and excellences so here soon okay is asking oh where the narrators in early days they they memorize everything there is no book so they used to just in big Gathering they used to narrate all the stories of Mahabharata bhagavat is that so they remember everything they can when a back to back everything they can and their memory is very strong so this suta is he's asking OSU to talk about this Lord Krishna and his excellences seven verse being thus questioned by the rishis the suto who grew sandwiches said to them which is mind concentrated on the god the lord of the lord of the world as follows suta said hearing how by achieving his mysterious power of Maya the Lord looked took the form of board lifted Earth up from the lower plane and as he in sport destroyed here on lakshu killed the Iran lakshu with utmost ease bidara was ecstatic with devotion and said what did Brahma the father of all prajapatis do in his creative role after he had created the prajapatis tell about us have asked about those esoteric subjects of which you have full knowledge how did marichi and Brahma rishis and Manus like sayambua proceeds to create at the bidding of Brahma that means how is how this narayana the Lord created Brahma to Brahma will create he is just as it happens for a big personality they wish something and there are many people to execute that so here also is the source of everything everything consumed in narayana and narayana created Brahma and told Brahma to go on creation so his wish has been fulfilled by Brahma and then Brahma created brahmarishis Etc to extend that process of Creation in the creative work did they function alone that means this time how they will interact with them in the creative world did the function alone or in cooperation with their wives that means Shakti they took their Shakti or did all the offsprings of Brahma jointly create this is all Queer questions and responses will be that so I am your to understand all this you know need to know much more details in the quranic stories but anyhow [Music] so now my Trio then responded said by virtue of the most mysterious potency of the past karmas of jivas lying latent by the will of the Supreme Being with the master of prakriti and with the power of twinkles time great time which is root matter prakriti become agitated and from that emerged is a creation how it come in in every scripture we find different description how the world is created so here is a description that made a mysterious potency what you call Maya the past karmos you have passed away all our past Commerce the past Commerce of the Jesus was enlightened by the will of the Supreme Being who is the master of prakiti the man he is the Lord narayana is the lord of the prakiti and but the wrinkles that is time time great time mahakala that was potent in that embedded all these subtle impressions of individual Souls all merged so with that power and the root is the root matter Miss prakiti become agitated the time and the prokity they got meditated and from that image philosophies first creation is is divides into and from Imagine which evolved into Ankara from Mahatma to how much there is a disturbance there how in that infinite purusha this is consumed all the potential things in it embedded into it and prokity casually manifest inside in touch with the purusha so now here the same philosophy probably they are trying to bring out narayana is the purusha Consciousness and this prakiti where Maha that um fundamental prakriti includes all the subtleties of the all elements the the all the creation when destruction happens all these consumed into prakriti back to prakriti and then prokary remains dormant and when the Consciousness again comes by the will of God that is the his will then again the prakriti starts functioning and this creation starts what came first this is ego I sense so he said that uh the master of prakiti and by the power to the wing Winkles time they get great time the root matter and prakriti became agitated and from that immersed Mahatma which revolved into ahankaru I having three aspects may be three types dominated by satta quality rajas and Thomas five types of categories were now in manifestation I then subtle elements subtle elements means what are these subtle elements five elements five elements are uh that earth air water fire space so these are in the subtle form so subtle elements organs of knowledge eyes here this is organs of knowledge and the organs of action hand feet etcetera right and the deities and there is one God that is I for I there is one God but here there is one God well all the sense organs is a controlled by some Divine entity so all these together is a different description that's exactly not in sanku here it is agitated out of that came the eye Consciousness then comes the five he says that and this kind of may be three types and from that the aspects of categories were now manifesting as ego sense I sense subtle element five elements organs of knowledge etcetera all kinds of action etcetera and the corresponding the the powers of the Gods in their discrete condition they were not able to themselves by themselves to come into combination and produce the universe that means by God's will this combination happened as a result prakriti which was sleeping as it were it gets agitated and manifestation starts in the discrete condition they were not able to themselves to come into combination they have no power it is only by that cycle Isha by the will of Lord it happens no so uh the combination of product in their discrete condition they were not able to by themselves to come into combination and produce the universe then the power of the Lord enabled them to produce the golden cell it's a imagination golden cell the universe in its seminal condition and for a thousands of years that golden shell lay in the cosmic Waters and that's why you see there is a picture always now Lord narayana lying in a snake a big snake and hood that the big hood on the narayana's head so these are all puranic Concepts about creation but he was sleeping they say no creation when you wake up and then creation starts for thousands of years the Golden State lay in the cosmic water incessient and unmoving it is not moving it does not have any Consciousness as it went the all-powerful Lord dwelt in it and it took the shape of Nara you know lying in the cosmic Waters out of the navel of narayana was generated the world Lotus they said that's a easy when the narayana is lying flat from the navel that Sprouts a stair stock and in the end you find the Lotus no and on the Lotus is Brahma is sitting there having the Luminosity of a thousand Sons and containing in potentiality all the jivas in it that means this narayano generated the world Lotus and it is Luminous and in that the seed of everything is contained as it were in the midst of that Lotus the Supreme Being himself appeared manifested as Brahma so that means it is all all vedantic principle puranas are the vedantic principle expressed in a language for the masses and created some type of imagery so as if the narayana was sleeping Brahman is sleeping and then it contained all the Maya Shakti and all this diverse creation it is in him how as if in the waters no creation nothing all stopped and from that a naval Zone came a Lotus and in the outers contained the whole creation itself and gradually it is Luminous and it found that in it Brahma came out of Brahma is permitted by narayana permitted by narayana who lays in the cosmic Waters Brahma created the world making names and forms discrete as in previous creation AJ cyclical this idea of Indian ideal of creation is not one time creation it is creation manifestation and it consumed and it goes to the subtle form when wherever then they start from there in a new cycle so this is like this creation goes on and for for age ages take it long time and its development in that development there is history in that development it comes past what comes amoeba comes second comes this comes the living animal in the water aquatic animal comes they didn't land calm say all this concept then gradually develop out of that and it is all thousands and thousands of years issues that's why in purana knowledge you'll find ten thousand years five thousand years as if thousands of years are minimum scale up measurement there now this Brahma was created and the bloominess of the out of the lotus the Brahma came and now create a mood Brahma needs some mood to create no so the Lord gives the impetus so this is called the creative moods of Brahma out of his own shadow then Brahma created the five forms of ignorance past how to bind everyone you know he ignorance so he says out of his own shadow Brahma saw his own shadow negative thinkers created five forms of ignorance ignorance in five diverse ways what are the five diverse ways tamisra means anger looking upon death as one's end everyone is as it happens for all of us no death is an end what will happen I will die what will happen but this is ignorance out of ignorance what is the ignorance brahma's own shadow these are all uh different philosophies you can bring out in vedanta it is called the what is vedanta idea it's called the reflection Theory you see your own the sun reflected in 1920 parts and you see 10 Sons on on the tamisra looking upon death as one end the anger second looking upon death as one Saint Andrew Thomas ignorance about the oneself not knowing who am I self-identification with the body foreign craving for enjoyment so the first creation is this Brahma created the five forms these five forms of ignorance what are these first anger then thinking the body death of the body as one's end third ignorance about oneself who am I not knowing that forgetting that self and Mohamed self-identification with the body body is the truth and Maha mahu craving for the enjoyments in the world not being pleased with discretion Brahma said what did I create all this now he got to think that I should create better things so what he said not being pleased with this creation of the form of ignorance he abandoned the body mood of mind body with which she performed this creation so he gave up this body as it were with the mood he created these five ignorant and ignorant results and he took a new body jakshas and raksus's appropriated that body of the form of night which is the origin of hunger and thirst so these are very complicated area to understand so he says not being pleased with his own creation of the form of ignorance he abandoned that body the body that's the mood body means that mental mood in which he created ignorance identification with the body forgetfulness of the real nature of us all this he then mood was changed and we treat she performed another mood cave he created started creation but they created jakshas and raxes appropriated that body of the form of night and which in the origin of hunger and thirst so he took his another from mood came so juxtus and rakshasas were created these are special type of what you call created being jaksa is called the holder of the Lord who who takes care of the hoarding of wealth jaksha and the accesses are all bad elements disturb the piece of the Holy brahmins Holy priests and early days Rama was going and they killed many rakshasers ravana was a character different categories of animalistic expression tormented by hunger and thirst these offsprings of night approached to consume Brahma himself now his creation that is hunger and Iraq juices and accesses they are created by Brahma himself because his mood changed and he created and we are so hungry and thirsty that these offsprings of that tree called night approach to consume Brahma himself saying don't leave him eat him up then Brahma cried out to them do not eat me up save me oh juxtus and axis you are my children how can you destroy me the our own creation Frankenstein no he is it becomes a blow to the Creator itself where whatever he created by his body of luster sought to aspect of his being they were the devils and they took up his body of day when he had abandoned it and rejoined so day and night came out of his own body that means simply simply day and night came and day is the deity scale and Knight is the raxa sauce came bad guys came and the holy king asuras from his hip he created the asuras who were given to excessive sexuality out of the sexual urge they approached him with the intention of Cons consorting with him at these The ashuras Who thus approached him Brahma at first left and then when they are persisted he became angry with them and when he found them determined he got frightened and took to his heels he approached srihori the Lord who removes the sufferings of his devotees and who assumes different forms for the blessings of such devotees so and he said to the Lord O Lord protect me at diabetes I started this work of creation and different kinds of beings and now this sinful create creatures of Mind are there in threatening me with sexual molestation dawadi one who can remove the suffering of the people in travail and you are also the one who inflicts on them various kinds of suffering until they take refuge in you the Lord who knows the hearts of all so they see this thing is that Brahma created himself that is creation is always problem so when when he came to the creation good and bad will come and naturally its impact will be there good will be some good impact that will be some bad impact at that bad impact impacts the Brahma itself and he is consumed as if by his own creation so he then went to take refuge so there is a story now the story uh there is a boost say a man wanted go wanted to be very rich and so he went to a person who knows all this Exorcist things so he went and went to someone he said can you give me one ghost who can help me to help me in my creation and I be becoming very rich and this and yes I can give but one condition he the ghost will go to help you but if you cannot give work you have to keep calm keep him in constant engagement in work he and he thought I'm a poor guy I will have a big house I want this I want this so many desires are there so I thought I'll be happy teacher one one name don't ask for that because it may create trouble because you have to give constant engaging constant work if you cannot give the work then it will Danger and no no no I have enough thing to do okay please give me and the Ghost came because said yes now what 21 well I want whatever I will work for you all the time but if you cannot give me sufficient work the moment you cannot give up I will kill you and that poor guy thought what is that I have so many things to ask for so build house big Palestine house swimming pool days that and then I will have and he tells the ghost ghost I want one building there in there will be so many rooms and this and and as it is instantly and then he came back next what next what next word and he friend all these thoughts when it is done then he's thinking I have got God I have broken home I have got all the pleasures of the world I have got money I have got wealth I have but whatever I want I already got and what shall I give him instantly he does the work ran to his Guru said oh I don't want this course please take back your ghost so it is same like that whatever [Music] no that's why whatever may be the significance yes when all our desires end there's no end of Desire but you know instantly you cannot think of anything more how much how much human mind can think of having luxuries or things water material things but even that he is now in fear to save himself that means Also spiritually all these desires are fulfilled then dearly you turn towards God to Guru and God that may be another meaning but anyhow he will ran to the guru and Guru said I told you he wanted this is so goes to have a mastering the ghost is not good unless you master yourself no so that it is like that Brahma was asked to create and he create a plastic ignorance and then he created the good things you wanted to create but last desire all these things are coming and then that consume him and that is also going to kill him then he said oh Baba what is this please help me so so this is the way the world works the Lord who knows the heart of all saw the pitiable condition of Brahma no and advised him to abandon his last last infested body because the mind that mindset which created this type of thing and Brahma did so that body rejected by Brahma appeared a one-on-one female Exquisite body with anklets producing a murmuring sound with Eyes heavy with inebriation with silk draperies around her waist held in position by a West band started foreign we create our imagination we live in our imagination people in all the time we were frightened we fear in our imagination in our mind mind is the question so it is brahma's mind is appearing like that [Music] at the site ah now the hospitals have been created and gods have been created now the asuras are being infatuated of this female figure and they exclaimed wonderful is her beauty wonderful her Youth and courage to see how she works unconcerned without any emotion amidst us who are removed by their passion with many expectations expectations this evil-minded asuras showed every form of courtesy to that sun that Sandhya in human form and said to her as follows expressing their love for her and then they said oh beautiful lady who are you whose daughter are you why are you here yesterday oh good lady what is the good of asking about your antecedents whoever you are maybe it is a rare piece of good fortune that we have met you Etc took position of Sunda taking her to be a woman of enticing Beauty so next with the smile of Deep significance Brahma created the gundaras and after us these are another categories of gandarvas means that who gundar in the Heavenly about the sing the musicians Club no that type of category of people and asuras upsurance Celestial dancers with beauty of a narcissistic type hidden abundant the body of His Brilliant and pleasant like Moonlight Bishop Basu vasu and other leading gandar was adopted that body Brahma now created out of his last Institute demigods like bhutas and prisachas seeing them Stark naked and disabled he closed his eyes that seat of last Institute which Brahma abandoned characterized by yawning and sleep was adopted by Buddhas and other demigods so one one he is creating one and getting frightened out of that and abandoning that one that my mental thought and that created one group of I created entities sleep in the state of which the senses relax and the body through its flow out uncontrolled when men are the spooled they are subject to attacks of Buddhas and pisachas uh Buddhas and researchers and the terrifying figures no in The Cremation ground with the mother Kali yeah they call Shiva Shiva Shiva dancing Shiva is Dancing with bhutas so he's talking about that category of disasters means very ferocious looking ugly looking entities um from the seat of the last Institute which Brahma abandon characterized by yearning and sleep adopted the Buddhas and demigods sleep is the state in which the sense of sense the senses relax in our sleep we our senses all the eyes and all other organs relax and and bodily fluid flows out uncontrolled when men are thus polluted they see they are subject to the attacks of Buddhas and researchers such attacks go under the name nightmares assuming now an energetic mood Brahma created the shardas and the petries forefathers satyas and pities means there are deities who as hard as I do not know but with trees we know poor fathers we call who have divisible forms the pictures and subdas adopted as body that moved of Brahma from which they were born so these those who perform rituals of our view and kabu to the saddas and the Petras respectively he created the siddhas vidadharas by his power of invisibility he gave them his body of his wit the power of invisibility they are also musicians and centers so they were created in invisible he gave them the the this body of his with the power of invisibility he created the kinnaras and Kim purushas out of his own reflection which he gazed on and admired they took over the form of Brahma now abandoned so they came together and sang his glory in munition at the morning ceremony they are like in the morning time they sing the glories the Kings they have their morning time when they wake up there are musicians who sing their glory of the king so then that type of category there was an early morning day finding that even with all this creation was not progressing Rumba felt worried throwing out his hands and legs and gave up that body from the scattered locks of that body of Brahma snakes came out he became angry and through he was not satisfied with the so many creations then when he was angrily throwing his arms here and there and the hair some hair came out and all the snakes have been created and from his out stressed limbs cruel serpents and large hoods and great speed emerged now that after all the all these Brahma considered himself self-satisfied then he become peaceful they are remorsed from his mind the man who's capable of populating the world so then ultimately he becomes satisfied whatever happened and then he created the Manus this monus Brahma gave his own man-like body to their Manus all the prior creatures congratulated Brahma on having created the Manus in the form of man they said oh creator of the world you have done well in creating the body of a man in this body which is capable of collecting all the materials of her sacrifice like agnihatra and the Performing the sacrifices we shall all reside and enjoy the parts of the sacrifices due to us so they all because the ancient system is to do some jaganana fire oblation to Define as we call home of fire so therefore the only men who have learned it they can learn this Vedic wisdom and perform this jugnas so he says that collecting all the materials for sacrifice like agnihotra performing the sacrifice we shall all reside and enjoy the parts of the sacrifices due to us the Brahma assumed they moved in which she was fully established in self-control austerity spirituality yoga and samadhi and in that mood he created his most favorite create creatures like the rishis the Sages so it is all Brahma creating in different moods all this creation from the negative forces to the positive forces to their holy people to the Unholy people to the performance of the sacrificial fire to each of them Brahma gave parts of their body moved what is the brahma's mood there's been mental condition we are all driven by our mind no it's a mental condition which has constituted of samadhi yoga nobility tapasa as worship and detachment Now video said oh great one describe to us the famous line of Siam which which has distinguished from the earlier Creations has the characteristic feature of multiplication by sexualist reproduction how did priyo brittle and Father the Son of saying Manu rules this art with seven islands continents observing the rules of Dharma you told us that one of the sambhu was Noble daughters become the wife of cardamom himself a great Yogi how many issues did he beget in devahuti who was established in self-control and other spiritual disciplines oh great one how did Ruchi and daksha both sons of Brahma proceed to multiply creation having obtained as wives manu's daughters akuti and prasuti so now it came to the human human multiplication the human creation is the best creation because it is written by the human being so they praise that human creation is the best creation and in that creation see but the world is all blank how to populate it so it is brahma's problem now so he is now creating this [Music] in a period of ruling of one king it can be called monu so he is talking how in his period this creation started it is chapter now 21 is there anything only one question so we are we have read enough we can India no a child let me finish this said being ordered by Brahma to engage himself in producing issues the noble courtroom went to the bank of Saraswati and performed Tapas for 10 000 years but then the ten thousand time time is relative no so always they in this in this puranas you'll find ten thousand year hundred thousand year he meditated for ten thousand years no we think that you do for one year two year but ten thousand year is synonym of that so but to say being ordered by Brahma to engage himself in producing issues the noble goddama went to the bank of Saraswati and apart from Tapas for 10 000 years having failed to realize the Lord by mere austerities God now then took to the path of devotion which is consisting of worship so firstly this kardama he wanted to reach God by meditation and austerities but that didn't work so failed to realize Lord by mere austerities this kardama then took to the path of devotion consisting In Worship in singing the Divine name Etc accompanied by the practice of concentration that is meditation and devotion he started practicing instead of austerity and path of analysis maybe these generated in him an intense love for God and he took refuge in hurry who grants all the death of those who surrender to him that means he went to the um pleasing the Lord Krishna narayana so he started with devotion and prayer and taking their Divine name and practices of concentration and all these generated in him the kardama an intense love for God and he took refuge in the Lord huri Krishna narayana who grants all desires being very much pleased with cardamom the bhagavan the Lord the Supreme being revealed in The Vedas showed himself to him in a form of Glory constituted of sachidananda suited to the age of krita krita krita and then that is the age of krita and these are monu one of the Manus appeared before him oh it's okay so we end here how how condom saw narayana that will be next time we can read that so we are on page 236 we have read up to book three chapter 21 and we have started this verse number nine okay um why did Brahma start creating with ignorance yeah that's the question you know creation means ignorance no look at that when we are in our full knowledge of ourselves there is no creation no mind is totally pure and this is God everywhere so there is no question of any other to create anything don't desire to procure anything so Brahma start creating with ignorance because ignorance is the cause of creation then many time we put this question why this ignorance why these signals we cannot say this is because of ignorance as we give the example we go to see the movie and when you enter into the Hall there is light everywhere and that time you cannot enjoy the movie so to enjoy the movie fully when you sit take our seats and we are chit chatting the movie The all the lights gradually go deep dim ignorance and then there is a white screen and there is a projection that position falls on the projection screen and our attention goes there and creation Starts Now what is happening on the screen we think is it real it is all real why the tiger came in between why this and with the 3D then you can feel more tangibly more closely but it is all happening in the in the air there is not no such reality at all is there any reality it is a shadow of light and darkness no play so similarly ignorance is necessary for creation when the broad daylight you don't do anything you know the ignorance will not work therefore why did Brahma start because that is the way we are also trapped into that we are in ignorance that's why we are in suffering so creating creation starts ignorance ignorance is the cause of being created I am created Creator is there the triputi creator creates creation and creator the three are because of our ignorance so the ignorance Brahma was in his full knowledge wanted to be created we want to make the creation so he has to take the help of Darkness first ignorance anger expectation no anger comes from where I want something and I don't get it of obstacle then I'll be angry so these are the negative forces first needed for creation otherwise I am in my own self I shall be angry with anyone there is no one I am the only self I am full of peace and joy I don't need anything but create a false need we are all satisfied in ourselves but because it is a cyclic action so all the souls who are in dormant State the demon and as soon as the Christian they start from the so ignorance is the cause of all this manifestation so when you when you are in knowledge we don't do mistake we don't mistake a snake seeing a rope we know daylight light is there no ignorance the snake is snake rope is rope but when mistake ignorance comes then we always mistake we mistake in our relationship we mistake so much so you said that you mean that you did that you did that why it is the mental level ignorance and that's why we say when you talk to each other very clearly even in our when any type of relationship most of the confusion comes in mistaking and that is the part of ignorance so ignorance always creates that and without ignorance we are all we know that brahmaganis are without ignorance that's why they see and they are rejoicing everywhere they see that is there ramakrishna said mother resides in every heart mother is in the good mother is in the bed there is nothing but mother so because knowledge is there no ignorance so ignorance without ignorance display of Duality will not happen so Brahma also showed the path first that he was in his own Glory fully conscious about narayana but he was ordered to create so he saw his own reflection and how all the Shadow and that ignorance there came IGN demand there are many desire and to fulfill that desire you all mental creation that is the creation means ignorance and another question approximately how many thousands of years were spent in mind God only knows ten thousand years then the time is relative you know time is relative look at that when we are in happy mood two three hours past and we think oh it is already 10 o'clock or I says when I forget the time and when it's a very I'm on a Troublesome period say someone is very sick always in excruciating pain one minute appears to be one hour no that's a relative so you know it is all mind and that's why ignorance is in mind in time that's why we read that big time is split into this referential times in which we leave and we sleep and we eat we do so approximately we cannot say it is infinite time is also in relative sense millions billions trillions who know zillion years and this is also our concept is there Hindu concept of we do the offering to our forefathers every year according to Hindu system every year the sun offers ablation or offering to the grandfather grand grandfather for them some offering oblation a SRI ramu krishna's father went to gayadam to perform that ceremony but it is done till you do that every year you should every year you should offer them that every year if you give one I give you something to eat today and I give you another year after another year that one little food how is that giving you have to give feed every day but it is called relative our 365 Days of our time he went time is equal to one day in the forefathers plane that's a relative so in this way the whole creation goes on another question even if one decides to enjoy the pleasures of the world scriptures have defined the proper and right way of doing it according to the tenets of Dharma as in Dharma to Karma Moksha but when the Mind consumes of two ways to enjoy the world bypassing all such laws just because the desire to enjoy is so much how to then regulate the mind regulation of the mind question comes when we feel unsatisfied dissatisfied whatever mind wants I want to give no if if someone is trained to do and here's the ability to afford to afford the money and environment that I want this you get it then what happens are you satisfied you will not be satisfied there so let us go on first that's why I started that you enjoy the world in a whatever way wrong way right way even in wrong way then we will be satisfied one day we'll understand wrong way I am not happy I want it but I did so many things but I am not satisfied then you follow the regulated way regulated way honest to a sincere way then we'll also find I followed the path at the regulated manner in following the scriptures but where is my satisfaction it is not then we go one step up to love God who is in all and that gradually takes us to the perfect solution to our own home so there is mind will learn mind is learning every day whether I know it or not mind is learning every day unconsciously it is learning Reckless people are there very very organized and very disciplined people are there both are still to achieve the truth but one experience leads to the other experience and where the experience goes it is the mind that's why sanskara and it we retain that sounds kind of even if we die we continue that so it is our experience does not go in West good or bad whatever and it is as a devotee we understand God's brings all these but the good of us for our growth and development do apparently sometimes it appears that is not right but it happens right so yes so that's why it is said that ramakrina said the test experience a little little little and then teach mind every day hey I tested I tested it I tested and then fall in love with God okay so we are done now so we'll be reading the gosanti Gita class at 7 30 and I will be meeting again and we end here now [Music] [Music] sorry I am not good at the stories of different stories different names this is called bhagavat Katha so in India people who are experts in this they can Captivate thousands of people in some Gathering thousands thousands of people with adapt retention they listen and they have many stories stories under the story story under the story you know and it's very interesting and that a expert in expressing them in a nice way so to know those you have to have some expertise in that life but I am not but I we always are simple because it confused me from my childhood when I see this I should have born and this is born and this is getting married that is getting fighting and this is going that's my God what is going on I can keep the link together so I feel that Brahman is easy Brahma is someone is this very simple formula if thank you again